Master- og PhD-kandidater 2023
En årlig begivenhet er å få publisere en liste over avlagte mastergrader og PhDer innen ernæring ved norske utdanningsinstitusjoner. Her følger en oversikt over master- og PhD-kandidater for 2023. Norsk forening for ernæringsvitenskap gratulerer!
Mastergrader, Universitetet i Agder (UiA)
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Strobel, Nicki | Does different diets alter the Prevotella-to-Bacteroides ratio of the human gut microbiota? | Ostojic, Sergej |
Rorge, Johanne | Ultraprosessert mat tidlig i livet | Øverby, Nina C. |
Ripatti, Katri Rakel | PREPARED – unge voksnes tanker og erfaringer ved bruk av en e-læringsressurs med fokus på kosthold | Øverby, Nina Cecilie & Hillesund, Elisabet Rudjord |
Schieke, Puck Andrea | Ultraprosessert mat og kognitiv utvikling hos ettåringer | Øverby, Nina C. og Hillesund, Elisabeth R: |
Wåland, Marlene Sophie | Endring i spiseforstyrrelsessymptomer hos kvinnelige utholdenhetsutøvere etter et 16 ukers e-læringsprogram om idrettsernæring | Torstveit, Monica Klungland; Solstad, Bård Erlend & Fahrenholtz, Ida Lysdahl |
Hillesland, Julie | Kosttilskudd, trening, diett og tanker om egen vekt En kartleggingsundersøkelse av unge voksne – Studentkost 2 | Medin, Anine Christine |
Løvstad, Ingrid | Er det forskjeller i næringsinntak blant unge veganere, lacto-ovo vegetarianere, pescetarianere, fleksitarianere og altetende? | Medin, Anine Christine & Grouth-Jacobsen, Synne |
Doktorgrader PhD, Universitetet i Agder (UiA)
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Agnihotri, Neha | A healthy and potentially sustainable Nordic diet in early life and aspects of child growth and development | Hovedveileder: Professor Nina Ceciliet Øverby Medveiledere: Professor Elisabet Rudjord Hillesund, Professor Elling Tufte Bere |
Doktorgrader PhD, Universitetet i Oslo (UiA)
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Katrine Gjermundnes Hjertholm | “Maternal dietary intakes and birth size in rural Malawi – a cross-sectional study” | Per Ole Iversen |
Jorunn Sofie Randby | “Promoting public health through implementation of school meal guidelines in Norway: Adherence monitoring, practice determinants and implementation strategies” | Nanna Lien |
Lillian Ziyenda Katenga-Kaunda | “Nutrition education and counselling to enhance dietary diversity among pregnant women in rural Malawi” | Per Ole Iversen |
Jelena Zugic Soares | “Vitamin D in cognitive impairment and Alzheimer´s disease” | Nenad Bogdanovic |
Kjersti Oppen | “Iron-Related Biomarkers as Predictors of Etiology and Prognosis in Pneumonia” | Lars Heggelund |
Sigrid Pedersen | “Dietary treatment in children and adults with drug resistant epilepsy” | Kaja Kristine Selmer |
Anu Elisa Koivisto-Mørk | “Nutrition and altitude training in elite endurance athletes: The impact of antioxidant-rich foods and iron in optimising the outcome of training at moderate altitude” | Stine Marie Ulven |
Mastergrad, OsloMet
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Caroline Løvik Brandvik | An exploration of potential implementation barriers and facilitators for a nutrition educational implementation intervention in kindergartens in Nes municipality. A qualitative study among kindergarten staff. |
Mastergrad, Universitetet i Bergen (UiB)
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Marthe Synnøve Fiskaa Mila | The effect of reducing meat consumption on selected biomarkers of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis | Ingunn Engebretsen og Theogene Habumugisha |
Shanima Shanu Mirza | Genotype dependent gene regulation in visceral adiposity: a study of the 11q23.3 locus | Jan-Inge Bjune og Simon Dankel |
Vilde Haugen Myklebust | Postprandial metabolism in healthy young subjects (PoMet) | Vegard Lysne, Åslaug Anfinsen og Hanne Rosendahl-Riise |
Christina Ramsnes | The impact of crude whale oil, refined whale oil and whale protein hydrolysate on obesity development, glucose tolerance and hepatic steatosis in C57BL/6NCrl mice | Even Fjære, Lene S. Myrmel og Livar Frøyland |
Julie Bergseng Mælan | Feeding experiment with metabolic phenotyping of mice with adipocyte-specific knock-in of Slc7a10 | Simon Dankel og Lise Madsen |
Elisabeth Skeie | Helsepersonells gjennomføring av ernæringspraksis og registrering i kommunalt pasient- og brukerregister (KPR): en kvalitativ studie | Eva Biringer, Kristin I. Folven og Randi Tangvik |
Stine Herfindal Opedal | Changes in quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes following a low-calorie or a low-carbohydrate high-fat dietary program – Subgroup analysis of a randomized controlled trial (CARBCOUNT) | Simon Dankel og Kristin Amundsen |
Trine Nordvik | Lipoedema: Population Characteristics and the Possible Role of Conservative Therapy for Norwegian Women with BMI <28: an Intervention Study – Subset analysis from the Surgical Treatment of Lipedema in Norway – a National Multicenter Study | Aslaug Drotningsvik og Hildur Skuladottir |
Elise Grytten | Proteomic profiling of cardiovascular biomarkers after omega-3 and omega-6 supplementation in abdominal obesity | Gunnar Mellgren og Simon Dankel |
Hanna Olberg | Nutritional Status and Presence of Sarcopenia in Community-dwelling Older Persons Receiving Home Care Service in Oslo: A Cross-Sectional Study | Hanne Rosendahl-Riise og Inger Aakre |
Gunnhild Eggen Storliløkken | Changes in appetite-regulating hormones and subjective feelings of appetite following a ketogenic low energy diet and a non-ketogenic low energy diet: a randomized controlled trial in females with lipedema | Siren Nymo, Randi Tangvik og Simon Dankel |
Stine Bakken | Protein intake and handgrip strength in community-dwelling healthy older adults – The Hordaland Health Study | Jutta Dierkes og Zoya Sabir |
Thyra Jensen Hevrøy | Iodine Nutrition in Community-Dwelling Older Persons Receiving Home Care Services in Oslo: A Cross-Sectional Study | Hanne Rosendahl-Riise og Inger Aakre |
Astri Marie Rønnekleiv | Extended effects on nutritional intake in patients with IBS following a low FODMAP diet – results from the Bergen Brain-Gut study | Birgitte Berentsen Jacobsen og Eline M. Randulff Hillestad |
Victoria Oline Haughton Ringseth | Nutrition in the intensive care patient | Randi Tangvik og Anne Berit Guttormsen |
Cathrine Loddervik | Changes in lipoprotein subclass particles, standard lipids, and apolipoproteins after diets high or low in carbohydrates or saturated fat in people with obesity: results from a randomized controlled trial (CARBFUNC) | Simon Dankel og Johnny Laupsa-Borge |
Silje Jotun Løkken | Iodine Nutrition and Thyroid Function in Habitual Seaweed Consumers at Baseline and after a 6-week Cessation of Seaweed Intake | Inger Aakre og Hanne Rosendahl-Riise |
Mari Bergflødt Sørensen | Iodine intake in mid-pregnancy and subsequent risk of developing pharmacologically treated hypertension within 10 years after pregnancy: Results from the Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child Cohort Study | Hanne Rosendahl-Riise, Teresa Risan Haugsgjerd og Kristin Børresen |
Ann Helen Fjeldstad Børseth | «Changes in HbA1c and body composition in patients with type 2 diabetes following a low-calorie or a low-carbohydrate high-fat dietary intervention – Subgroup analysis of a randomized controlled trial (CARBCOUNT)» | Simon Dankel og Kristin Amundsen |
Marte Knutsen Haukeland | Matvaner og oppfatninger om kosthold hos unge mannlige tømrere | Roger Strand, Randi Tangvik og Caroline Engen |
Doktorgrad PhD, Universitetet i Bergen (UiB)
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Ravi Prakash Upadhyay | «Nutrition, growth and neurodevelopment in children from low resource settings in India». | Tor A. Strand, Mari Hysing, Sunita Taneja og Nita Bhandari |
Tsigereda Behailu Kebede | «Dietary practices and nutritional status of children aged 0-24 months and their mothers in the rural ensete-monoculture dominated Sidama region, Ethiopia». |
Mastergrad, Universitetet i Tromsø (UiT)
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Rosemarie Fredriksen Aaby | The impact of different dietary meat: seafood ratios on obesity development and glucose tolerance in C57BL/6J mice | Lene S. Myrmel, Even Fjære og Livar Frøyland |
Oda Aakervik | The effects of low energy diets on body weight and body consumtion in women with lipedemia | Siren Nymo og Randi Tangvik |
Anna Emilie Vinje Berg | The Association between the Energy-adjusted Dietary Inflammatory Index and the Risk of Colorectal Cancer in The Norwegian Women and Cancer Study (NOWAC) | Hovedveil.: Torill E. Jensen Biveil.: Guri Skeie |
Frøya Berg Grønvik | Associations between intake of diary products and colorectal lesions in the Norwegian CRCbiome study: a cross-sectional study | Hovedveil.: Paula Berstad Biveil.: Patrik Hansson, Markus D. Knudsen |
Marie Høvik | The association between the energy-adjusted Dietary Inflammatory Index (E-DII) and risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in the Norwegian Women and Cancer Study (NOWAC) | Hovedveil.: Torill E. Jensen Biveil.: Guri Skeie |
Amilie Johannessen | Education and adherence to the Norwegian Dietary Recommendations | Hovedveil.: Linn Nilsen Biveil.: Laila Hopstock |
Karoline Lerengen | Isolation of drug-resistant Enterobacterales from faecal samples of healthy newborns and characterisation of Bifidobacterium-mediated inhibition of drug-resistant Escherichia coli | Hovedveil.: Veronika K. Pettersen Biveil.: Gaute H. Bø, Astri J. Meen |
Tuva Hjetland Løland | Adherence to the guidelines on nutritional care in the intensive care unit – A prospective, observational study | Hovedveil.: Martin Hagve Biveil.: Anders B. Kildal, Siv Hilde Fjeldstad |
Sanne Karlsen Melum | Assessing the effectiveness of if-then plans to facilitate increased fruit and vegetable intake in adults – A systematic review and meta-analysis | Hovedveil.: Torsten Martiny-Huenger Biveil.: Bahar Kucuk |
Vilde Fiske Nes | Does a ketogenic diet have an anti-inflammatory impact in women with lipoedema? An investigation into dietary fat quality | Hovedveil.: Siren Nymo Biveil.: Patrik Hansson |
Kristin Lindahl Nilsen | Barrierer og tilretteleggende faktorer for ernæringsbehandling til kritisk syke: En kvalitativ studie blant overleger og sykepleiere ved intensivavdelingen | Hovedveil.: Siv Hilde Fjeldstad Biveil.: Anne-Sofie Sand |
Mimmi Vedenpää | Description of disorder eating among female athletes in Norway – A comperative cross-sectional study | Hovedveil.: John Owen Osborne Biveil.: Edvard H. Sagelv, Kristin B. Borch |
Mastergrader, Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU)
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Lisa Grimstad | Effects of iron supplementation on systemic inflammation and iron homeostasis in young female athletes. | Hovedveileder Siv Kjølsrud Bøhn |
Ingrid-Juliane Blakstvedt Mærli | Standardizing biomarker measurements of human fecal samples. Associations between intake of dietary iron and a fecal gut inflammation biomarker in colorectal cancer survivors. | Hovedveileder Siv Kjølsrud Bøhn |
Doktorgrad PhD, Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU)
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Dimitrios Papoutsis | Impact of dietary components and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the colon and its microbiota in a low-grade inflammation mouse model | Hovedveileder: Harald Carlsen, biveileder: Siv Kjølsrud Bøhn |